Saturday, March 26, 2011

81/2x11 Motivation

I miss college. You are probably thinking, "How can she miss it if she just finished a few months ago?" Yeah, I know. It's true. Here are three reasons in descending order...

Reason #3 of why I miss college: I definitely didn't appreciate having so many friends in my same stage of life right in one community. I didn't realize how fast it would all end. It has been so much harder this semester to be proactive about keeping friends. When I say it, it sounds crazy. I thrive off of relationships with people. With countless hours at jobs where I work with hardly anyone my age, it is difficult to keep those relationships afloat. So, I have piggybacked off of Eric's friends. I have made so many incredible friends through Eric at MCC. I am so thankful that I have such a social husband to keep me social when I don't feel like it.

Reason #2 is because I also miss learning. It is so much harder to be a learner when someone is not making you do it! Don't get me wrong, I am learning a whole lot this semester about various things, but I miss learning about literature and writing. Through my job in Wamego, I have found a new passion for ESL strategies in teaching. I am craving to know more about different curriculum that will help my students excel at the fastest rate possible. It is amazing to me how fast a language can be developed when a student is eager to learn.

Reason #1 that I miss college (well today at least) is the gratifying feeling of hearing the printer release the ink on the fresh crisp paper that will bring all of your thoughts and hours of work together in one place. That's right, I miss writing papers. It makes you feel like you have a piece of originality in a place of conformity and apathy. Don't mistake me, Majority of my papers were usually the latter, but every once in a while, I would find incredible pride in what I had written over a simple piece of literature or criticism. I miss finding pride in my work. Hopefully the day I have my own classroom, I will find that same feeling of pride in reading my students' papers. Or maybe I'll find pride in creating their assignments. Whatever and whenever it is, I hope it comes soon.

In the mean time, I find my pride in making myself read or write. I am a really bad self motivator, especially when it comes to reading. I work so much, that all I want to do when I get home is watch Netflix shows with Eric or bake cookies. So, I am making my own goal this week to not only be in the Bible reading, but also to make time to read and write in general. And maybe I'll even write a paper afterwards...
HAHA yeah right.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The P31 Calling

So the other night I was desperately scraping cheese off of a pizza bagel pan when it hit me--
I want to be the Proverbs 31 woman.... sometimes.
(If you have never read Proverbs 31 out of the Bible, I recommend putting that on your to-do list.)
Proverbs Chapter 31 has been quite the staple in my life. There are many defining moments that I remember being challenged by this chapter.

When I was a young pre-teen girl, just trying to be normal and cool all at the same time, I used this as my compass for who I was to become: "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" (vs 30). As long as I focus on just Jesus, all the weird and awkward feelings were supposed to go away. I didn't need boys, skinny legs, or manipulation to get what was best for me. I knew that. I soaked and stayed in that verse. But probably didn't buy into it for myself.

In high school, I began to date more seriously. (well, if you call middle school love "dating") I realized that in order to keep my image, I had to appear to be a certain person. I had real friendships and relationships, but I don't think I was vulnerable to who the woman was inside of me. I worked mainly on the outer. "Strength and dignity are her clothing and she laughs at the time to come" (vs 25). I dreamt about my future, and even prayed for my future. I had a relationship with the Lord. But if you would have taken away my friendships and relationships, you would barely see Jesus. My spiritual identity was wrapped up in what I did and who I was with.

College. OH COLLEGE. I went through several growing stages now that I can look back and see the progression. I thought I was in the big time moving into Kenny Ford Hall. I quickly realized that my "Christian" friends could never have prepared me for what I got in college. I didn't understand why everyone wanted to drink, sleep with boys, and drink some more. I put myself on a platform of superiority. "I can't believe she did that! I would never even dream about... " The condemnation went on and on. I was thrown into a world that I had only ever heard about. I believed this to be true of me... "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all" (vs 29). I was conceited and stuck up.

Friendship humbled me. I met some incredible women in college; many of whom were in my sorority. A lot of these women had not grown up in the same places as me. It broadened my perspective of the world. For the first time in my life, I saw how some of the sin I thought was despicable, was acceptable. I had to continue to be re-centered like clay on a potter's wheel. I found friends that shared the same direction in their hearts as me, but some I loved more because they didn't. For the first time in my life, I questioned. And it was good.

Ironically enough, I ended up liking going to bars. I enjoyed the beverages, friends, and conversations. I still have a strong opinion about legalism in the Christian church based off of many conversations held in small corners of Aggieville. I fought with God on why some things that were never designed to be wrong, became wrong.
While contemplating alcohol, a friend from Camp War Eagle and I sat at an Arkansas coffee shop. And wouldn't you know, Proverbs 31 came up. I had never closely read the first 10 verses. But she showed me something that I would never forget. "Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more" (vs 6-7). While I spent a few years of my college career frustrated over this topic, the answer was right in front of me. There are other passages in scripture that reference the sin of being drunk. But this, I had never encountered. I realized that God is not a God of detailed rules. He simply created us for worship. If I can have a beer in a bar with a friend, and the conversation brings him worship, GET IT DONE! And praise Jesus.
Proverbs 31 struck again.

"An excellent wife who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life" (vs 10-12).

This is the part of my life that I always read and dreamed about. But as I was scraping that crusty cheese pan the other night, I realized that I am NOT the Proverbs 31 woman. I will never fully BE the Proverbs 31 woman. I am Candice. I became frustrated with the concept of a wife that has to "rise while it is still night and provide food for her household" (vs 15). I didn't want to do that, and I don't know if I would ask God to make me want to want that. But here is what I do know....

In my frustration, I sat down to read through the well known passage once again, asking God to renew my view of this life calling of being a wife. I read through the chapter, and then flipped through the footnotes. This is one of those defining P31 moments, so I'll write the footnote:

[122] 31:10 Verses 10-31 are an acrostic poem, each verse beginning with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

WOW. God knows me and loves me so much that he designed one of the most difficult callings in my life to be a poem, so I would like it more! He is an artistic, loving, creative Father that just knows exactly what is best for my life. He knows me so intimately that he designed that moment that I would read that footnote to show me how much he loves me.

I know that my commitment to be a wife won't be the easiest calling, but this is another example of how God has drawn me to himself to let me know that it is HIM that accomplishes the impossible.

And when I look at all that God has done, it makes it so much easier to scrape that crusty cheese off.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Newly Wed

It's official! I'm now Mrs. Eric Schneider. The December to Remember was unbelievably perfect. I finished the daunting task of my student teaching portfolio, said farewell to those wonderful MHS seniors, graduated from Kansas State University, and became a licensed teacher. (a license that will hopefully serve me well this fall)
I then watched my brother marry such a wonderful woman, now Mrs. Katie Lewis! My new sister-in-law is talented, kind, and fits in to our family perfectly. My brother is pretty lucky! Their wedding on the plaza was a fantasy! My favorite memory was waiting on the trolley with Katie and the other bridesmaids to walk down the aisle. She was so ready to go, and the time seemed to stretch on forever. We all stared at her, as she stared at the church doors and the clock. After the wedding, as the we got on the trolley to go take bridal party pictures, a light snow began to fall. It was a beautiful evening. It made me anticipate our night that would be in two weeks.
The two weeks in between then and New Year's Eve are a blur to me now. But the night Eric and I had been anticipating for so long came even faster than you all warned me. Everything just went perfect that day. So many people travelled from so many different places to celebrate with us.
Best moment, you ask? Definitely has to be the one we all dream about. I took my Dad's arm as we waited outside the sanctuary doors. My fingers were ice, my palms sweaty, my teeth dry from my permanent smile as we approached the double doors inside. I heard the drums build as the wedding planner asked me, "Are you ready?"
I looked at my dad. He was shaky with tears in his eyes. I nodded my head as she fixed my train. The ushers opened the double doors.
There he was. Standing at the foot of the alter that I had seen so many times. This time it looked like all my Sunday morning day dreams... ONLY IT WAS REAL!
We began to walk slowly down the aisle. I really don't think anything was going through my head. I just had this blurred tunnel vision. I only saw Eric. And as we got closer I saw the tears rolling down his cheeks. My groom, now husband, has the biggest heart a man could have.
And I committed my life to him. I do! and I will.

We are writing the rest of the story together now. Being married has been very surreal for us. As comfortable and normal as it feels, I have those random moments where I still think it's all a dream. But then I wake up to the sound of his razor, and remember that it is REAL! It is a fun, unpredictable, but the best adventure I've had yet.

The honeymoon in Negril, Jamaica was a bit of a roller coaster. Eric got the nasty flu that had been going around. Basically, our second night of marriage was spent with Eric over the toilet all night. The next morning I held an IV above him as the doctor tried to figure out what other drugs he could take. Once we recovered from practicing "in sickness and in health", the trip was actually pretty spectacular. The beach was warm, the water beautifully blue, and the people mainly Canadian;) We made some great memories our first week of marriage!

I have really just been enjoying life this last week in Manhattan. I started my new job as an ESL para, which will be challenging and rewarding. I will hopefully be getting another part time job to get the bills paid too. I love all this new free time I have too! I love reading my wonderful Kindle, spending more time with the Lord, decorating our little home, and watching movies with my husband. I'm working on my love of being domestic :)

This semester is like a new blanket of snow... I want to build a giant snowman and a fort to store snowballs in. But I can't do that without getting some tracks on the ground.
So here goes putting some steps in the freshly fallen snow!